Peter D. Schnore

Peter D. Schnore, a Latvian born artist and art critic came to America in 1949 at the age of ten. Since the 1960s, when he was a pioneering modernist, his area of concentration has been innovative traditional realism.
Peter studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, where he received the prestigious Cresson European three months travel and study prize, helped prepare him for becoming the much praised painter
of landscapes, still lifes, and portraits that he is today. His 2011 awards include The First Prize for Painting at The State of the Art 44th Annual Exhibition of Pennsylvania artists at the State Museum in Harrisburg. At the Salmagundi Club in New York, he received the Judy and Elias Newman memorial award from the National Society of Painters in casein and acrylic. At America’s oldest ongoing juried exhibition, The Philadelphia Sketch Club’s Small Oils show, where in the past Schnore has received three Henry Tait best of show medals, he was awarded another First Prize.
In 1990, at the sadly now defunct annual juried exhibition of The National Academy of Design, Schnore was awarded what can be considered the very highest landscape painting award in the nation, The First Benjamin Altman Prize for Landscape. In 2009, at the prestigious Allied Artists of America juried exhibition he was again awarded the top landscape prize, The Alden Bryan memorial medal for traditional landscape.
If there is a secret to his work it is that as the artists of old, he “paints lovingly” from “aesthetically exhilarating” subjects.
Peter D. Schnore
This entry is a modification from the 2011 PAAG newsletter.