Julie Longacre

Pottsgrove Manor, Down in October,  12 x 16 acrylic
Julie Longacre’s Berks County home is surrounded by the rolling hills, farmlands and the forests of southestern Pennsylvania. From an early age these surroundings influenced her artistic development. After completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, she began a career as a fine artist, settling in Barto, Pennsylvania where she established her name among the artists of the mid-Atlantic states. Awards and exhibitions soon gave way to the commissions that remain the major portion of her work today.
Recently Julie serves as “an artist in residence” working with The Speaker’s House committee, Trappe, PA in their restoration efforts of the speaker’s residence.
Among her major exhibition: 1989 Historical Society of Berks County, 1995, Reading Area Community College, 1998 University of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 2003 Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Museum, 2011 Montgomery County Community College.
In addition to Julie’s career as a fine artist, she has written three book: The humorous Dirty Old Ladies Cookbook, followed by her poems and pictures, The Place I Keep and her 2012, A Sketch in Time, a book featuring pages from her sketchbooks and journals.
Regardless of her status and recognition, Julie modestly claims to merely be, “An artist of the People.”
                                                Candace Perry, curator
                  Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center. 

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