Elaine Meinhart

Elaine says crafting is her key to her secret garden, her place of reflection, her looking glass. She started making tiled tables by transforming throw-away finds, odds and ends, while feeling the “magic” and pride in her accomplishments. From tiled tables she expanded to cement leaf vessels and other mixed media pieces which have proven most amenable vehicles for translating her inner vision to outer reality.
Elaine explains that she works from the inside out, working deliberately, consciously employing both traditional and innovative techniques and credits her unconscious mind as the undisputed project manager. She says, “The work frees my imagination and provides me with many opportunities for happy accident and grace to influence the finished product.”
“When I work I am reminded that there is no right or wrong. I begin with a sense of what I want to accomplish in the end but along the journey the path is not straight. The exploration is rewarding with the twists and turns of fate.”
“In the end the piece is done when the magic has happened. The story is unveiled. Inspired and invigorated by a renewed sense of continuity and awed by the mystery of how creation occurs, I look forward to begin the next piece of art.”